Jaxson Maximus Customer Spotlight Series: Dr. David Phillibert

customer spotlight david p.

We created this series to highlight our clients, their unique stories, their businesses, and how they discovered Jaxson Maximus. This week we feature Dr. David Phillibert.

About David:

Originally from New York, Dr. David is a general surgeon specializing in minimally invasive weight loss surgery and robotics here in Miami with his wife and two children.


What Is One Thing That You Admire About Jaxson Maximus

David: They treat you like family at Jaxson Maximus. From the second you walk in the door they greet you and start to understand who you are. I never feel just like everyone else when I walk in. Instead, I get individual treatment every time I visit. It is those small extra personal touches that make my experience so special.

Why Is Having An Exceptional Appearance So Important To You

David: For me, your appearance is all about how you view yourself. In the professional field I am in, people will judge you based on how you look. Patients want to feel comfortable with their doctors and want to see someone that presents themselves to patients in a tidy professional way.

In addition, it gives me that extra level of confidence. Both when I look in the mirror and when I get compliments from my wife!

Last year I got three custom made suits. Every time I go out, I always get compliments on my appearance. Not only on the overall look but on the fit.

Why Choose Jaxson Maximus Over other Retailers

David: At Jaxson Maximus, they are a unique concept. When I get a custom made garment, I know that there will never be something else like that out there. They have so many styles and fabrics to choose from. The attention to detail is second to none. It is the extra steps that they take that make everything so special.

What Makes Your Look So Personal

David: I wanted something different than how I was dressing in New York. From going bald to shaping my beard up a little differently, I tried to change things up to fit the Miami vibe. Going into a warmer climate, I wanted my wardrobe to reflect that. You want a suit that can breathe down here in Miami given the climate.

Now living in Miami, I wanted to experiment with brighter colors. For example, one of my suits is a Nantucket red. I would never have thought about wearing in back in New York. Jaxson Maximus and my custom clothier made me feel comfortable experimenting with my wardrobe during the process.

What Have You Learned About Your Style

David: It was interesting to learn about material and how it feels on your body. How the fabric breathes, especially down here where it is humid almost all year is super important. Based on my body shape, I can not go into a store and buy a suit off the rack that will fit me for my particular build. So when I got my first custom made suit from Jaxson Maximus, I understood just how important fit was for me.

For example, one of my shoulders sits slightly higher than the other, and my custom clothier made my suits around those individual measurements. I didn’t realize everything that goes into making the perfect suit.

How Has Your Confidence Changed Through This Experience

David: When I moved to a new city, I knew that I wanted to feel comfortable meeting the community. I had to put myself out there and start my career down here in Miami as a new surgeon. With Jaxson Maximus, I never had to worry about that. Knowing and feeling that you look presentable helps me know that I will achieve my goals and ambitions.

I have been coming to Jaxson Maximus for over two years now. Every time I walk through that door, it feels like home to me now!

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